Proven Palm Springs Lawyer Fights for Fairness and Justice

Experienced California attorney provides adept representation in criminal defense matters

The criminal justice system is often intimidating and overwhelming to individuals who have been charged. Hiring a knowledgeable attorney is the best way to preserve your rights. At Gregor Woodward Law in Palm Springs, my goal is to help California clients avoid unjust punishment. Criminal charges threaten every aspect of your life, and I am highly skilled at creating unique and dynamic defenses, no matter how complex or serious the case may be. Whether you were charged with illegally possessing a gun, felony DUI or receiving stolen property, I will carefully analyze the facts and aggressively present the strongest possible defense.

Who is permitted to possess a gun in California?

California has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, so you need an experienced attorney if you are facing prosecution. California allows most adults over 18 years old to possess a gun, but several groups of people are prohibited from having a firearm, including:

  • Convicted felons
  • Individuals addicted to narcotics
  • Individuals convicted of specified offenses, such as domestic violence and brandishing a weapon
  • Individuals with certain mental disorders

Even if you were charged with illegally possessing a firearm, you have rights, and I will fight any violation of your constitutional protections.

What is receiving stolen property under California law?

In California, it is a crime to take possession of or obtain property you know, or should have known, to be stolen. To be convicted of this offense, the prosecutor must prove:

  • You purchased/sold/received/withheld or concealed from its owner property that was obtained by extortion or stolen
  • When you purchased/sold/received/withheld or concealed property, you knew or should have known it was stolen or acquired through extortion
  • You knew about the presence of the property

This offense may be charged as a misdemeanor or felony depending on the circumstances, and a conviction could lead to incarceration and heavy fines. These cases are rarely open and shut, and I will thoroughly investigate the allegations against you.

What factors can turn a misdemeanor DUI into a felony offense?

Driving with a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher, or under the influence of a controlled substance, is a crime in California. While most cases will be prosecuted as misdemeanors, some will rise to the level of a felony if certain factors are present, such as:

  • Three or more DUI convictions in the past ten years
  • The accident involved an injury or death
  • Prior felony DUIs

Any DUI arrest should be taken seriously, and I will zealously contest any improperly collected evidence or unsubstantiated claims.

Contact a dedicated California law firm today to schedule your free initial consultation

At Gregor Woodward Law, I know how to combat prosecutors’ arguments when representing clients throughout Southern California in a variety of criminal defense matters. Please call 760-910-8375 or contact me online to schedule a free consultation at my Palm Springs office.

Contact the Firm


Primary Location


1775 E Palm Canyon Dr.,
Suite 110 119,
Palm Springs, California 92264-1613

